Tuesday 26 August 2014

Valley Crossing 

A Lesson in Team Building,Conflict Resolution,Communication and Trust leading to SMART GOALS

The task at hand required a group of three people to move from left side of the valley to the right side with the help of a pole. The task demanded a good conceptual knowledge of the problem at hand & building an effective strategy to be implemented to solve the problem.

                 For the success of the problem, the key ingredient was coordination among team member & efficient execution of the strategy devised. 
  • Any person, while on top of the valley (the “risky” position to be in) will be supported by other two people. All the three members here have interchanging roles in the completion of task. As can be noticed in the above image, all the three members have equal distribution of risky, half-risky and safe situations.
  • The success of this exercise will depend upon how closely the three people work as part of a team, coordinate and communicate with each other through sound/signals and follow a synchronous movement.
Key learnings:

  1. Confict in this exercise was actually who would be the first person to cross the valley
  2. It was undoubtedly the leader who would show the way
  3. Conflict resolution was achieved by equally dividing the task between all the three people.
  4. No one was overburdened or underburdened.
  5. To cross the valley interdependency-an essential characteristic of team work is needed and it was shown in the exercise.
  6. Effective communication ultimately  led to success.

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