Sunday 17 August 2014

Where there is a Will,there is a Way

                         The Mynah and the Elephant

Image result for A mynah and a elephant pictureImage result for Mynah picture

Can the huge elephant fly? Obvious answer is No.

But we learnt in management from Dr. Mandi that Possibility should always be > Reality
The apparently absurd thing became true and we also learnt the important concept of willpower and motivation when the elephant ultimately succeeded in flying.

The motivator is the Mynah and the one having tremendous willpower is the elephant.

The story began with the elephant asking the Mynah if it could fly.The Mynah asked the elephant to put a feather in its mouth and flap both its ears as hard as possible.Actually the feather was redundant.But once the elephant thought that the secret to fly is in the feather ,it put more and more effort to accomplish its wish.
And ultimately it was successful in flying not by the virtue of the redundant feather but by the virtue of will power giving rise to extraordinary effort-thereby leading to extraordinary results.

Moral of the story
 Believe you can, and you will . “Possunt quia sibi posse videntur”. 
 Never give up trying. 
 Have trust and faith in yourself 
 Faith moves mountains 

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